Payments Partners: The Identity Industry

Payments Partners: The Identity Industry

Time to Read: 9 minutes The problem of knowing who to trust on an insecure, anonymous network has concerned me since I founded an ISP in 1995. With thousands of subscribers, it was the first time I confronted bad online behavior. As a payments geek, I’ve seen plenty...

EMV’s First Phase in the US at an End; the Wait for Phase 2 Begins

Despite our industry’s preoccupation with mobile payments, here at Glenbrook we’ve been keeping a sharp eye on the state of the U.S. EMV® migration. Let’s call the U.S. approach, based on contact EMV only with no PINs on our credit cards, EMV Phase 1. That’s where we...

Payments 2017 – One Month In

Business evolution—whether it’s automotive, bioscience, or in the payments industry—proceeds along a predictable path of incremental improvements and optimization. Until it doesn’t and a step function takes effect. Last year was sleepy compared to what we can expect...