by George Peabody | Jan 31, 2017
Business evolution—whether it’s automotive, bioscience, or in the payments industry—proceeds along a predictable path of incremental improvements and optimization. Until it doesn’t and a step function takes effect. Last year was sleepy compared to what we can expect...
by Beth Horowitz Steel | Oct 4, 2016
Contrary to popular belief, the millennial generation is not lazy, entitled or narcissistic. They are a robust group of entrepreneurial, socially astute and media savvy consumers. They make discerning decisions about their money and are thoughtful about the...
by Bryan Derman | Sep 9, 2015
We’ve spent so much time the past several years obsessing about how mobile proximity payments would be deployed in the U.S. and the rest of the developed world. Now we know. This week, Apple Pay celebrates the first anniversary of its launch, and a new generation of...
by Russ Jones | Nov 13, 2014
I’ve been thinking a lot about how payments and payment-related technologies fit into the emerging world of multi-channel commerce or omni-commerce as some people call it. When a lot of companies describe their omni-commerce strategy, they are usually talking about...
by Erin McCune | Oct 14, 2013
I’ve nearly recovered from the payments overload that was Money2020 last week in Las Vegas – it was initially exhilarating, then incredibly exhausting, but I had a fantastic time. Here’s my admittedly subjective take based on having attended only two sessions (one of...