Payment Facilitation

Payment facilitators make onboarding small merchants quick and simple.
Overview of Payment Facilitators
Payment Facilitators are payment service providers and independent software vendors (ISVs) that make it easier for small merchants to establish contractual terms and connectivity for payment acceptance.
An ISV has a unique advantage in the world of merchant acquiring: a direct relationship with the merchants that use their software to run their business. Historically, ISVs would have referral share agreements with payment processors to enable payment acceptance for their customers. Moving to a payment facilitation model by embedding payment acceptance into the software provides a tightly integrated experience that can add significant value to the ISV and improve the customer experience.
An ISV considering the payment facilitation model has three implementation options:
- Build their own Payment Facilitator capabilities
- Use a Payment Facilitator platform
- Use a “Payment Facilitator-as-a-Service” provider
Each option will differ across multiple key elements: revenue, risk exposure, time to market, compliance obligations, operational overhead, technology development effort, control over onboarding, network reporting requirements, buyer statement descriptors, and more. We can help identify the optimal solution for your business and quantify the implications for your organization.
We understand how different business models can increase revenue and help retain customers.
Having supported numerous ISVs across multiple merchant verticals make the transition from referral agreements to payment facilitation means the GlenbrookTM team can answer “why” a business should make this change, and “how” it can be done successfully.

Payments Consulting
Our consulting services can help your team answer questions like:
- Are we well suited to become a payment facilitator? Why?
- What roles and responsibilities will our organization need if we become a payment facilitator?
- What model of payments facilitation should we implement?
- How will our revenue change after we transition to a payment facilitator model?
- How do we manage risk across our merchant portfolio? How much risk are we exposing ourselves to?

Payments Boot CampTM workshops
Our education capabilities can bring your team quickly and thoroughly up to speed on latest developments related to merchant acquiring and payment facilitation answering questions like:
- What is the difference between a payments facilitator, an ISO, an ISV, and an Acquirer?
- What are the models and trends we are seeing in market for each type of player?
- What developments do we expect to take place related to payments facilitation in the near term and long term?
Recent Engagements
Launch, improve & grow your payments business