Fast Payments

Fast payments are gaining traction globally. How can you keep up?
Overview of Fast Payments
Fast payments go by many names. They are digital credit transfers that are transmitted instantly (or within a few seconds) from the sender to the receiver between accounts. The receiver has immediate availability of the funds.
Fast payments systems offer promise for multiple payments ecosystem stakeholders. For example:
- Consumers benefit from control as the sender determines when a payment is made.
- Merchants experience immediate funds availability.
- Providers can offer embedded experiences with little end user friction.
We have supported fast payments initiatives in 55 countries and counting
Instant money transfer will soon become the global norm.
Designing and implementing real-time systems is complex. Achieving ubiquity is essential. Leveraging the benefits of fast systems can be game changing.

Payments Consulting
The GlenbrookTM team works on a wide range of fast payments projects, and can help you with your unique needs. Engagement categories include
- Designing and implementing fast payments systems
- Assessments to understand the impact of fast payments on your business
- Product and go-to-market strategies to take advantage of fast payments.
We also work to keep a pulse on the market:
Learn about the latest opportunities and pain points identified by market stakeholders in the Faster Payments barometer, co-developed by the GlenbrookTM team with the Faster Payments Council and Volante Technologies.

Payments Boot CampTM workshops
Look to our workshops and webinars to help you understand how fast payments differ from other payment types and how you can best take advantage of this global trend.
Recent Engagements
Launch, improve & grow your payments business