Payments Post #8: Glenbrook’s October Roundup

Payments Post #8: Glenbrook’s October Roundup

At Glenbrook, we’ve been watching rising interest rates and vacillating economic conditions over the course of the year; while economists debate the likelihood of further rate hikes and the odds of a near-term recession, we dig into the real impact of these uncertain...
Payments Post #8: Glenbrook’s October Roundup

Payments Post #4: Glenbrook’s May Roundup

Welcome to the May installment of Payments Post, where we’re highlighting the news that got Glenbrook talking. The common thread that emerged in May was the American consumer. We observed a burst of news highlighting technology reshaping how American consumers make...

Payments 2017 – One Month In

Business evolution—whether it’s automotive, bioscience, or in the payments industry—proceeds along a predictable path of incremental improvements and optimization. Until it doesn’t and a step function takes effect. Last year was sleepy compared to what we can expect...

It’s the Online Holiday Season!

It’s the holidays and the online retail sales are… well… who knows? We’re seeing data points all over the map. comScore is reporting better-than-they-expected 4% growth over the the previous year. U.S. online holiday spending has grown 4% to nearly $21...

Lessons for Bankers from the Telecom Bust (The Economist)

The Economist observes that the downfall of the telecom industry (1997-2003) offers foreboding lessons for today’s bankers. Just like banks, telecoms had imperial bosses, kamikaze deals and incomprehensible jargon—if collateralised-debt obligations...