Smart thinking for smart payments professionals

Payments On Fire is the industry’s leading resource center for payments professionals. Here, you’ll find the resources and thought leadership that only Glenbrook’s experienced team can provide. Curated news stories, insightful opinion papers, provocative podcasts, and more – it’s all the thinking you need to stay competitive in a dynamic payments world.

June 27, 2013

Does PayPal Need A Bitcoin Strategy?

Because we live in a tweet-constrained world, the short answer is yes. But I think every player in the financial services industry needs a Bitcoin strategy — payments enablers especially. By strategy I mean that every company involved in payments should evaluate whether Bitcoin, and digital currencies (math-based, virtual, etc.) more broadly, are friend or […]

June 11, 2013

The Future of B2B Payments – And Suggestions on How We Might Get There

I am in London this morning, where I had an opportunity to present a vision for the future of business payments at Experian‘s Payments Strategy Conference 2013. Acknowledging that it is always dangerous to make predictions, this is what I envision for the future of B2B payments: Interoperability — I expect the future of business […]

May 14, 2013

May 1, 2013

April 23, 2013

Sharp Turn Ahead: Is your organization facing a payments inflection point?

Glenbrook is kicking off a new payments organization optimization project for a biller client. Each time we do one of these projects, our client – with some embarrassment – admits that they think they are the only ones facing payments challenges. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, the smooth-running, optimized payments organization […]

October 10, 2012

October 5, 2012

September 24, 2012

The State of Payments – U.S. Market 2012

It’s hard to believe that the end of 2012 is in sight – and it’s almost equally hard to believe that three years ago, a few of us at Glenbrook were thinking, “gee – all the exciting stuff in payments has already happened”. Yet we don’t think we’ve ever seen so much action in the […]

September 9, 2012

May 8, 2012

May 7, 2012

The Dawn of a New Era for Small Biz Banking? [Dispatch from NACHA Payments 2012]

I was at NACHA’s annual payments conference last week and the most interesting things I heard and saw had to do with small business banking and payments, a long suffering, underserved segment of the market. There’ve been glimmers of hope for small business off and on over the years but I haven’t witnessed a groundswell […]

December 8, 2011

It’s A Decoupled World

I had the great good fortune on Tuesday to sit in on the first day of the annual conference of the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion. IMTFI is housed at U.C. Irvine and led by anthropologist Bill Maurer. The mission is to support research on money and technology among the world’s poorest people: […]

September 20, 2011

Cross-Border Payments Perspectives [New Glenbrook Research]

Glenbrook recently conducted two surveys to develop a detailed understanding of the ideal cross-border payments solution from the perspectives of both payments professionals and payments initiators. We are publishing the results today to coincide with Sibos, the annual international banking conference taking place this week in Toronto. Our research was sponsored by Earthport LLC. In March 2011 […]

May 11, 2011

April 14, 2011

“FX for the Little Guy” Western Union’s Small Business Payment Solution

Glenbrook’s Carol Coye Benson and Erin McCune are interviewing leading commercial payment providers and enablers to understand whether we’ve finally reached the ‘tipping point’ for B2B payments. This post featuring Western Union is the second of a series of interviews that we will be featuring here at Payments Views. You can learn more about the […]

Recent Payment Views

Demystifying Payments Orchestration: Part 1

Demystifying Payments Orchestration: Part 1

Introduction For those of us who follow the payments industry, it has been difficult in the past few years to avoid the hype around payments orchestration.  The ubiquity of the term begs the question: what exactly does payments orchestration mean?  We see...

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