Showing 7–12 of 50 results

QR Code Payments
From WeChat Pay to Paytm, QR Code-based payments are perhaps the fastest growing segment of the global payments industry. But with emerging national (BharatQR in India) and global (EMV QR Code) standards, this payments data exchange technique is just beginning to gain acceptance beyond proprietary implementations. This session exploreLearn More

Payments in Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technologies are well established in the world of digital gaming. But are there opportunities for these so-called immersion technologies in other verticals? How might AR/VR be used in travel? In medicine? In manufacturing? In retail? This session is designed to help participants understandLearn More

Cross-Border Card Processing
Cross-border card processing is what makes international card networks appear to operate globally. It’s what lets us as tourists pay for a meal at any restaurant in the world. And it’s what lets an online merchant sell to cardholders anywhere in the world. This session explores the four different processing models that are used byLearn More

Bill Pay Domain Essentials
The bill pay domain is one of the larger domains of payments based on the number of bills and the number of payments that flow back and forth between the biller and its customer. This session is designed to help attendees understand the structure of the bill pay domain and why a simple task is so complex.
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ACH Fundamentals
The ACH network is one of the most important payments systems in the United States moving more than $50 trillion a year between bank accounts. Designed with minimal bells and whistles, the system excels at low-cost, bulk transfer of payment. This session grounds participants in ACH fundamentals and introduce the key concepts and termiLearn More

P2P Payments Domain Essentials
The person-to-person or P2P domain is at once one of the simplest domains of payments yet also one of the most sophisticated. It’s as simple as a mother handing her teenage daughter $50 to go shopping with her friends or as sophisticated as a Facebook Messenger transfer from one card to another between friends. This session is structured to help Learn More