Cannabis Payments in the U.S.
What happens when a new payment category is right in front of us but not quite in reach? This session explores the quandary our industry faces handling cannabis and CBD payments. Many state cannabis laws are in direct conflict with federal regulation that categorizes cannabis as an illegal substance. It is therefore difficult to imposLearn More

Secure Customer Authentication (SCA)
Securely authenticating the payor prior to payment initiation is one of the key responsibilities for banks involved in payments. Against this simple need, a profound new requirement called Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) is sweeping across the payments industry. But what is it? What payments systems are in scope? And which use caLearn More

Income Payment Domain Essentials
Payroll is an old use case in payments, and one that is increasingly being rethought with the arrival of the gig economy. More broadly, not only is payroll changing, but so is the entire income domain. This domain includes all forms of B2C and G2C payments made to individuals for all purposes. It includes payroll, pension payments, reLearn More