We Can See Mobile Payments from Here!

I attended the Mobile Contactless Payment Innovation Summit in San Francisco last week. The audience included representatives from payments companies, enablers, solution providers and merchants all engaged in mobile payments. Given the constant rate of innovation in...

Currency in a Digital Form

Two related announcements out of Canada work to reduce currency in circulation. Last week the Canadian government announced the demise of the penny.  The cost to produce a penny has surpassed its value.  The coins in circulation will still be considered legal tender...

CFPB Final Remittance Rule

Consumers transfer tens of billions of dollars from the United States each year in international remittances. In 2009 the World Bank estimated that US$48 billion was sent from American consumers to friends and family in other countries, a number that represents 0.3%...

FinovateSpring 2011: Best of Show & Glenbrook Perspectives

Glenbrook’s Jacqueline Chilton blogged live from FinovateSpring 2011. This is one of several posts; you can find an index of our coverage here. 850 finance and technology executives, bankers, venture capitalists, analysts and press attended FinovateSpring 2011 in San...