by Debbie Bartoo | Feb 25, 2025
If you’ve connected with Glenbrook on LinkedIn, subscribed to our emails, or listened to our Payments on Fire podcast, you may have noticed our new On-Demand Learning option for payments education. In this post, you’ll hear why On-Demand Learning is a...
by Drew Edmond | Mar 10, 2023
It is an undeniable trend that an increasing number of businesses are embedding financial services into their products. Those that have embarked on this journey often experience multiple benefits if the new services solve an existing problem for their customer base,...
by Cici Northup | Jan 16, 2023
At Glenbrook, we live to help organizations solve payments problems. As we’re upgrading our website, we knew it was time to fix a few of our own. Below I share how we apply our expertise and methodology to solve a merchant’s (us!) payments problems. The Context...
by Bryan Derman | Apr 1, 2022
First things first – no, this is not one of those April Fool’s gags. It’s a bittersweet day at Glenbrook as we bid farewell to the last of our founders. Following the retirements of co-founders Scott Loftesness and Carol Coye Benson in the last few years, Allen...
by George Peabody | Aug 21, 2020
Economies, global and domestic, are both interconnected and interdependent. Routine perturbations like economic slowdowns and recessions illuminate those dependencies as pain in one sector spreads to an adjacent one. COVID-19, and the global economic, social, and...