Smart thinking for smart payments professionals

Payments On Fire is the industry’s leading resource center for payments professionals. Here, you’ll find the resources and thought leadership that only Glenbrook’s experienced team can provide. Curated news stories, insightful opinion papers, provocative podcasts, and more – it’s all the thinking you need to stay competitive in a dynamic payments world.

July 17, 2018

Russ Jones

Payment Rails and Other Tales

In Glenbrook’s Payments Boot Camp™, we are always talking about payments systems – how they work, how they evolved, who uses them, who provides them, who profits from them, and how they are changing. So I was a little surprised when one of the participants approached me recently at break and asked if we would […]

October 11, 2017

March 23, 2017

Demystifying India’s Digital Payment Infrastructure

There is a growing curiosity about India’s payments systems. These systems, and their role in the “India stack”, have been the subject of many articles speculating their importance in shaping India’s future. Despite this attention, there is still considerable confusion about what these initiatives are, and how they interact with each other. This led me […]

February 6, 2017

January 24, 2017

April 14, 2016

October 6, 2015

September 30, 2015

My Half Life in Payments

Earlier this year, I was invited to keynote a conference in Sydney – something I always enjoy doing.  The conference sponsor wanted me to talk about disruptions, about how successful innovations in payments come into the world, and to provide a look inside Silicon Valley’s innovation culture.  I took the opportunity to do all of […]

August 27, 2015

EMV - Necessary, Insufficient, and our Lasting PR Risk

We are just a month away from the October EMV liability shift and the transition is, to no one’s surprise, mostly incomplete. EMV credit card issuance is expected to be at just 50% by the end of this year. Point of sale hardware upgrades at major retailers may be in place but the long tail of SMB […]

Recent Payment Views

Demystifying Payments Orchestration: Part 1

Demystifying Payments Orchestration: Part 1

Introduction For those of us who follow the payments industry, it has been difficult in the past few years to avoid the hype around payments orchestration.  The ubiquity of the term begs the question: what exactly does payments orchestration mean?  We see...

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Payments Post #9: Glenbrook’s November Roundup – Fighting Fast Fraud

Payments Post #8: Glenbrook’s October Roundup

At Glenbrook, we’ve been watching rising interest rates and vacillating economic conditions over the course of the year; while economists debate the likelihood of further rate hikes and the odds of a near-term recession, we dig into the real impact of these uncertain...

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Demystifying Payments Orchestration: Part 1

PSD3: Implications for the U.S.

Much has already been written about the Third Payment Services Directive (PSD3) and its anticipated scope following the release of the draft texts earlier in the year, but, understandably, mostly from a European standpoint. Arguably, PSD3 is likely to be more of an...

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