Smart thinking for smart payments professionals

Payments On Fire is the industry’s leading resource center for payments professionals. Here, you’ll find the resources and thought leadership that only Glenbrook’s experienced team can provide. Curated news stories, insightful opinion papers, provocative podcasts, and more – it’s all the thinking you need to stay competitive in a dynamic payments world.

April 6, 2011

April 4, 2011

Research Results: Need for Faster, Easier Cross-Border Payments

New Glenbrook research, sponsored by Earthport, indicates that as companies do business with an increasing number of customers and suppliers over seas, they desire better cross-border payment systems.  Slow funds clearing, complicated reconciliation, and lack of transparency in foreign exchange fees make cross-border payments particularly challenging for businesses large and small. These are among several key […]

October 29, 2010

Reflections on Sibos 2010

This week I’ve been in Amsterdam for Sibos – the annual international banking conference sponsored by SWIFT. (For those of you who aren’t familiar with SWIFT it is a consortium of worldwide banks that runs a global secure network connecting banks in over 200 countries. Interbank messages to support payments and brokerage trades all travel […]

October 5, 2010

May 23, 2010

April 5, 2010

March 3, 2010

ACH and the Future of Electronic Payments: BAI Convenes the Ultimate ACH Panel

Glenbrook’s Erin McCune is in Orlando for BAI’s Payments Connect conference. At its Payments Connect conference BAI assembled a dream ACH panel, consisting of: Jan Estep, CEO NACHA Rich Oliver, EVP Retail Product Manager, Federal Reserve Rossana Salaris, SVP, Payments Products, The Clearing House Stephanie Sturgis-Griffin, CEO Pariter Solutions The session was moderated by Fred […]

October 14, 2009

August 19, 2009

July 15, 2009

March 12, 2009

Google Checkout Adjusts Pricing Upward - Matching PayPal

Yesterday, Google Checkout announced that it was changing its fee structure beginning May 5 – eliminating the previous credit that Google AdWords customers got that reduced their Google Checkout fees. Instead, the new Google Checkout fee structure essentially parallels that of PayPal’s – a long-standing fee structure that the online payments leader has had in […]

May 27, 2008

Remittance Standards for Wire Payments [NACHA Payments]

[This is just one of my series of posts from the NACHA Payments 2008 conference in Las Vegas.] Remittance Standards for Wire Payments [NACHA Payments]Hank FarrarSenior Vice President, CHIPSLauren HargravesSenior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New YorkJames WillsBusiness Manager, Standards, SWIFT Synopsis from Conference Program Three payments industry utilities have teamed up to foster […]

May 25, 2008

The Global Reach of Remote Deposit Automation [NACHA Payments]

[This is just one of my series of posts from the NACHA Payments 2008 conference in Las Vegas.] The Global Reach of Remote Deposit Automation [NACHA Payments] David L. PetersonExecutive Vice President, Goldleaf Financial SolutionsTodd McGuireSenior Expert, Global Concepts/McKinsey Synopsis from Conference Program Remote deposit capture has not only eliminated geographic boundaries within the U.S., […]

July 22, 2003

Meet the Open Service Platforms

By Russ Jones I recently attended the O’Reilly Emerging Technologies Conference hoping to learn about up and coming technologies that might hold promise for Glenbrook’s clients. While I didn’t find exactly what I was looking for (the opportunities in financial services for smart dust, robofly, and nanotechnologies continue to elude me) I did have one […]

Recent Payment Views

Payments Post #9: Glenbrook’s November Roundup – Fighting Fast Fraud

Payments Post #8: Glenbrook’s October Roundup

At Glenbrook, we’ve been watching rising interest rates and vacillating economic conditions over the course of the year; while economists debate the likelihood of further rate hikes and the odds of a near-term recession, we dig into the real impact of these uncertain...

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PSD3: Implications for the U.S.

PSD3: Implications for the U.S.

Much has already been written about the Third Payment Services Directive (PSD3) and its anticipated scope following the release of the draft texts earlier in the year, but, understandably, mostly from a European standpoint. Arguably, PSD3 is likely to be more of an...

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