Editors Note: Glenbrook, along with the rest of the payments industry, has been watching developments in mobile payments closely. A few weeks ago, our partner Carol Coye Benson profiled Boku and CashEdge products. Today, she takes a look at Canada’s Zoompass, Zong (below), Billing Revolution, and Blaze Mobile. [UPDATE Aug 6th: Be sure to check […]
Editors Note: Glenbrook, along with the rest of the payments industry, has been watching developments in mobile payments closely. A few weeks ago, our partner Carol Coye Benson profiled Boku and CashEdge products. Today, she takes a look at Canada’s Zoompass, Zong, Billing Revolution (below), and Blaze Mobile. [UPDATE Aug 6th: Be sure to check […]
Note: this commentary could be subtitled: “How my trip to the U.K. left me with a chip on my shoulder!” When I was a child, I remember preparing for international travel by accompanying my parents to our local bank branch to purchase traveler’s checks. It wasn’t exactly convenient – but they felt safer traveling with […]
Editor’s Note: This is one of a pair of ACH commentaries that we are publishing today on Payments Views. Be sure to also read Erin McCune’s post “The Future of ACH.” There is a tremendous focus on the ACH network right now within the payments industry – and with good reason. The ACH is the […]
Many of us in the United States who follow the continuing evolution of the ACH network have been interested in the United Kingdom’s “Faster Payments” initiative. FP just hit the one-year-since-launch milestone. I spoke with David McFarlane, Company Manager, CHAPS Clearing Company about FP. I was surprised by much of what he said: FP is […]
Internet Retailer recently published the 2009 Edition of its Top 500 Guide, which provides profiles and statistics on “America’s 500 Largest Retail Web Sites”. eCommerce professionals look forward to its publication every June not only to see the relative rankings of the online retailers, and to also pick apart the shifting dynamics of the industry.
Some of us payments geeks often lose sight of what merchants really want – they just want to sell more. Selling more stuff is like 10 times more important to them than saving money on their costs of payment acceptance. Bill Me Later is but one recent example of merchants (online in this case) will […]
MORNING SESSION #1 – Whew – what a whirlwind! Companies get 7 minutes to demo their products/services before the microphone is cut off. Some very interesting stuff flying by at warp speed (so please excuse the grammar/any typos)! So here goes:
Yesterday Wells Fargo announced a new online invoicing solution for its small business customers that positions the bank to compete against entry level accounting packages. I’ve tried it out and I am impressed: it’s quick, easy, and intuitive. This afternoon I spoke with Richard Weeks, Sr Vice President at Wells Fargo’s Internet Service Group, to […]
… and Why ‘Decoupled Debit’ Could Change All That I was fascinated to read that Bank of America is now including debit cards in its card payment business line. Now, for anyone outside of our payments industry, this sounds absolutely reasonable. But from inside the industry, it’s pretty strange. The financial services industry, presumably like […]
Web 2.0 means a lot of things to people. It’s the rating of things by a community, it’s chat, and it’s collective learning. For a bank it can mean finding a relevant context to present offers to customers; moving from intrusive selling to customer goal realization. Web 2.0 also allows for collective learning and an […]
Fresh off raising another $42 million of star-studded (Goldman Sachs this time) venture capital, Steve Case and Jason Hogg came to the NACHA Payments 2009 conference today to tell the banking world about their payments “Revolution”. Apart from reiterating last week’s deal with Chase Paymentech (bringing potential acceptance to 650,000 merchant locations and websites), not […]
Glenbrook’s Carol Coye Benson and I discussed B2B payments with Kevin Phalen of Bank of America this last week. Kevin is an Integrated Debt and Treasury Solutions Executive and joined the bank nine months ago, having previously held positions at JPMorgan Chase, First Data Corporation, MasterCard International, and Sears Credit. Not surprisingly, Kevin’s outlook for […]
At Glenbrook, we’re pretty interested in what makes mass consumer adoption of new payments capabilities happen – or not. We’ve been talking lately about “brand as action” – the notion that consumers (and merchants) need a way to express how they are going to pay or be paid. This can be brand with a “capital […]
Google Checkout has just moved a “subscription” capability into beta. This is welcome news to many online sellers, as the ability to charge buyers on a regular basis, without the buyers’ active involvement has been missing from Google Checkout since its inception. The new capability, as described by Google, appears to be somewhat advanced, with […]