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April 3, 2023
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Italy Bans ChatGPT Over Personal Data Risk
Silicon UK
February 20, 2020
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Leaked Document Shows How Big Companies Buy Credit Card Data on Millions of Americans
“Yodlee, the largest financial data broker in the U.S., sells data pulled from the bank and credit card transactions of tens of millions of Americans to investment and research firms, detailing where and when people shopped and how much they spent. The company claims that the data is anonymous, but a confidential Yodlee document obtained by Motherboard indicates individual users could be unmasked. The findings come as multiple Senators have urged the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate Envestnet , which owns Yodlee, for selling Americans’ transaction information without their knowledge or consent, potentially violating the law.”
December 30, 2019
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California Is Rewriting the Rules of the Internet. Businesses Are Scrambling to Keep up
Los Angeles Times
“Most businesses with a website and customers in California — which is to say most large businesses in the nation — must follow the new rules, which are supposed to make online life more transparent and less creepy for users. The only problem: Nobody’s sure how the new rules work. The California Consumer Privacy Act started from a simple premise: People should be able to know if companies sell their personal information, see what information companies have already collected on them, and have the option of quitting the whole system.”
August 15, 2019
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WhatsApp Compliance Under India Review Before Payments Approval
“India is reviewing an audit report on data practices of WhatsApp Inc. to ensure compliance with local rules before permitting a nationwide debut of the Facebook Inc. -owned company’s long-delayed payments service. “We have received the data localization compliance system audit report from WhatsApp, which shall be reviewed in the next few weeks,” a Mumbai-based representative for National Payments Corp. of India said without providing any further details.”
March 12, 2019
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Companies Weigh Data-Privacy Risks Ahead of Brexit
Wall Street Journal (paywall)
“The prospect of a no-deal Brexit is creating new risks for companies that are required to comply with European data-protection rules. If the U.K. separates from the European Union on March 29 without a withdrawal agreement, data transfers from the bloc to the U.K. won’t automatically comply with the EU’s strict privacy laws.
February 7, 2019
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Cisco, like Apple and other tech giants, now wants new federal privacy law
Ars Technica
“In a blog post, Cisco’s top lawyer, Mark Chandler, called the current legal framework “not adequate.” Cisco hasn’t put forward specific bill language just yet; it is speaking for now in generalities. Particularly in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, along with the recent passage of the GDPR in the European Union and California’s own new privacy law, companies have been pushingCongress to regulate their industry like never before. Some lawmakers have taken notice and have introduced their own bills, but none have gotten far in the process just yet. Other states, like Washington and Massachusetts, are proposing their own privacy bills, too.”
January 18, 2019
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It’s Time for Action on Privacy, Says Apple’s CEO Tim Cook
TIME / Tim Cook
“We all deserve control over our digital lives. That’s why we must rein in the data brokers. In 2019, it’s time to stand up for the right to privacy—yours, mine, all of ours. Consumers shouldn’t have to tolerate another year of companies irresponsibly amassing huge user profiles, data breaches that seem out of control and the vanishing ability to control our own digital lives.”
December 19, 2018
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Europe issues a deadline for US’ Privacy Shield compliance
“The European Commission has finally given the U.S. a deadline related to the much criticized data transfer mechanism known as the EU-US Privacy Shield . But it’s only asking for the U.S. to nominate a permanent ombudsperson — to handle any EU citizens’ complaints — by February 28, 2019.”
Royal Bank of Canada defends access to Facebook data as needed for P2P transfer
Mobile Payments Today
“Royal Bank of Canada defended itself against claims that it was one of a number of major firms provided access to private data in the Messenger app by Facebook Inc., despite earlier assertions by the social media platform that private data was protected. The New York Times reported late Tuesday that the social media platform granted access to private user data, allowing companies like Spotify, Netflix and Royal Bank to read, write and delete private messages from Messenger users.”
December 13, 2018
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Democratic senators have introduced a big new data privacy plan
The Verge
“Under the act, data collectors would be required to “reasonably secure” identifying information, to not use that information in a harmful way, and to give notice to consumers about breaches of sensitive information. The requirement extends to third parties, if the data collectors share or sell that data with another entity, and the plan would also give the FTC new authority to fine companies that act deceptively with users’ data.”
December 10, 2018
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Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night, and They’re Not Keeping It Secret
New York Times (paywall)
“At least 75 companies receive anonymous, precise location data from apps whose users enable location services to get local news and weather or other information, The Times found. Several of those businesses claim to track up to 200 million mobile devices in the United States — about half those in use last year. The database reviewed by The Times — a sample of information gathered in 2017 and held by one company — reveals people’s travels in startling detail, accurate to within a few yards and in some cases updated more than 14,000 times a day.”
October 31, 2018
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It’s Time for Payment Processors Like Stripe and Paypal to Start Publishing Transparency Reports
Electronic Frontier Foundation
“Modern payment processors are making hard choices every day about how and when they’ll stand up for users. Whether they comply with or reject a government request for user data and whether they shut down an account or leave it up can have enormous ramifications for what types of speech can thrive online. These choices shouldn’t be made in a bubble, shielded from public oversight.”
October 25, 2018
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Business Execs Believe More Countries Will Adopt GDPR-Like Laws
“Earlier this week, Apple CEO Tim Cook praised the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and advocated for stricter privacy laws in the US. Whenever the head of the world’s first $1 trillion companyapplauds regulation, people take notice. But Cook isn’t the only one in the business world who believes more data laws are coming our way.”
October 3, 2018
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Europe is drawing fresh battle lines around the ethics of big data
“This is the calm before the storm, according to the European Union’s data protection supervisor, Giovanni Buttarelli, who says the law is being systematically flouted on a number of fronts right now — and that enforcement is coming. “I’m expecting, before the end of the year, concrete results,” he tells TechCrunch, sounding angry on every consumer’s behalf.””
August 10, 2018
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Norwegian banks co-operate on account aggregation programme
“The initiative, which is set to be rolled out well ahead of the mandated introduction of the revised Payment Services Directive in autumn next year, is intended to give the banks a head start in the account aggregation space ahead of the entry of third party fintech firms and Big Tech players.”
May 2, 2018
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Cambridge Analytica Closing Operations Following Facebook Data Controversy
Wall Street Journal (Paywall)
“Cambridge Analytica , a data firm that worked for President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, is shutting down following disclosures about its use of Facebook data and the campaign tactics it pitched to clients.”
April 30, 2018
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Security Trade-Offs in the New EU Privacy Law
Krebs on Security
“On two occasions this past year I’ve published stories here warning about the prospect that new European privacy regulations could result in more spams and scams ending up in your inbox. This post explains in a question and answer format some of the reasoning that went into that prediction, and responds to many of the criticisms leveled against it.”
April 26, 2018
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European Payments Council
“The GDPR significantly revises and harmonises how consumers’ personal data shall be protected in the European Union. When it comes to data privacy, payments might be one of the most sensitive areas for consumers.”
April 13, 2018
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Banks grapple with data-sharing concerns after Facebook, Equifax breaches
“As consumers’ confidence in Facebook to safeguard personal data tumbles — a poll released Wednesday found that 81 percent of respondents had “little or no confidence” that the platform would safeguard their personal data — 62 percent of U.S. customers trust banks with their data. But financial companies in North America realize that customers will soon demand more control over their information, in part because of the influence of European data privacy regulations coming into force this year.”
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Chinese man caught by facial recognition at pop concert
“This is not the first time Chinese police have used facial recognition systems to catch suspects. In August last year, police in Shandong province arrested 25 suspects using a facial recognition system that was set up at the Qingdao International Beer Festival. China is a world leader in facial recognition technology and regularly reminds its citizens that such equipment will make it almost impossible to evade the authorities.”
April 10, 2018
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Alipay Is Stepping Up Data Protection After PBOC Fine
Yicai Global
“The Hangzhou-based firm has begun a step-by-step improvement plan and has already rolled out some measures with approval from the regulator, it said yesterday. The central Hangzhou branch of the People’s Bank of China decided on March 22 to fine the firm CNY180,000 (USD28,568) for a data protection breach and improper promotions, but didn’t announce it until yesterday.”
April 9, 2018
On the web
Facebook urged to make GDPR its “baseline standard” globally
“Facebook is facing calls from consumer groups to make the European Union’s incoming GDPR data protection framework the “baseline standard for all Facebook services”. The update to the bloc’s data protection framework is intended to strengthen consumers’ control over how their personal data is used by bolstering transparency and consent requirements, and beefing up penalties for data breaches and privacy violations.”
April 4, 2018
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Facebook says Cambridge Analytica may have gained 37m more users’ data
The Guardian
“The Facebook data of up to 87 million people – 37 million more than previously reported – may have been improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica, the company has revealed. This larger figure was buried in the penultimate paragraph of a blogpost by the company’s chief technology officer, Mike Schroepfer, published on Wednesday, which also provided updates on the changes Facebook was making to better protect user information.”
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Exclusive: Facebook CEO stops short of extending European privacy globally
“Facebook Inc (FB.O) Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on Tuesday that he agreed “in spirit” with a strict new European Union law on data privacy but stopped short of committing to it as the standard for the social network across the world.”
March 23, 2018
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Survey: Americans Spent $1.4B on Credit Freeze Fees in Wake of Equifax Breach
Krebs on Security
“Almost 20 percent of Americans froze their credit file with one or more of the big three credit bureaus in the wake of last year’s data breach at Equifax, costing consumers an estimated $1.4 billion, according to a new study. The findings come as lawmakers in Congress are debating legislation that would make credit freezes free in every state.”
March 20, 2018
On the web
“On May 25, however, the power balance will shift towards consumers, thanks to a European privacy law that restricts how personal data is collected and handled. The rule, called General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, focuses on ensuring that users know, understand, and consent to the data collected about them. Under GDPR, pages of fine print won’t suffice. Neither will forcing users to click yes in order to sign up.”