The PayPal Juggernaut

A couple of weeks ago, eBay held an Analyst Day where eBay senior management shared their thinking about the future of the changing commerce landscape – and how they’re thinking about taking the “e” out of eCommerce. (Click here for the PDF of...

The Commerce Context

Last week my partner Russ Jones and I were exploring some of new ideas in the mobile payments space when we came across the notion of the “Commerce Context” – defined as when you and I, as consumers, are in an environment (a context) that’s enabled...

Reflections on Sibos 2010

This week I’ve been in Amsterdam for Sibos – the annual international banking conference sponsored by SWIFT. (For those of you who aren’t familiar with SWIFT it is a consortium of worldwide banks that runs a global secure network connecting banks in...

PayPal X Innovate 2010 – Day 2

Glenbrook’s Russ Jones is attending the PayPal X Platform developers conference in San Francisco. His post from Day 1 is here. The second day of payments conferences usually give me a chance to step back, reflect on what was announced on the first day, and catch...

PayPal X Innovate 2010 – Day 1

Glenbrook’s Russ Jones is attending the PayPal X Platform developers conference in San Francisco. His post from Day 2 is here. The PayPal news feed was running full blast today given all the various products, initiatives, and alliances that were announced on the...