Incredible India!

Photo: Scott Loftesness   A few weeks ago I joined my client Raj Jain, CEO of RS Software, for my third visit to India. RS Software is headquartered in Kolkata which was our first stop for the annual general meeting of shareholders. After that, we visited Mumbai...

Debunking the telecomuter = slacker myth

A recent article in Employee Benefit News cites a survey by that supposedly demonstrates that many teleworkers are in fact not working much at all! As someone who often works from home or remotely from a hotel room, this kind of research infuriates...

The Ultimate Professional Services Firm

David Maister, guru of professional services, poses a challenge in a recent blog post about the Fortune Magazine list of the 100 best places to work. He lists the professional services firms listed in the top 100, and then goes on to list the characteristics that...