by George Peabody | Mar 24, 2020
Be Safe. Be Well. Help Out. This is our era’s unprecedented event. I hope you’re staying safe, your family is all well, and you’ve got what you need for what looks to be a pretty long time. On the upside, I’ve seen and experienced people...
by George Peabody | Mar 12, 2020
Fraudster innovation is a constant. As the defenders of payment transactions thwart one fraud vector, these innovators, playing offense, switch tactics. Today, the problem of knowing who you are, that you are who you say you are, in the digital domain demands stronger...
by George Peabody | May 8, 2018
Online trust requires a context-based understanding of who we transact with. Attributes about us are needed to build that trust, but in many transaction contexts we share more than we need to. To pick a simple example, the law says you must be 21 to buy alcoholic...
by George Peabody | Apr 4, 2017
The term identity gets used a lot whenever internet payments and security are discussed. Knowing who we transact with is still the knotty problem. Strong authentication is required. Identity verification is required, too. A means of sharing the fruits of that work...
by George Peabody | Dec 14, 2016
Multiple organizations have emerged to address different aspects of security, privacy, and identity. In this Payments on Fire Podcast, Glenbrook’s George Peabody speaks with Craig Spiezle, Executive Director of the Online Trust Alliance, an organization bringing...