Episode 226 – From the Vault: Talking EMV in the USA (Episode 16)

Yvette Bohanan

November 15, 2023

POF Podcast

Payments on Fire Episode 16, originally aired: March 24, 2015

Debit routing – once again, all the rage.

On July 1, 2023, the US Federal Reserve’s clarification on Reg II went into effect. The clarification confirms that Reg II – which required unaffiliated debit network routing as part of the Durbin Amendment – also applies to CNP environments.

What were we thinking in 2015 when debit routing at POS, contactless payments, and chip and PIN were “of the moment”? What lessons can we glean from a conversation then that apply now? We’ve pulled Episode 16 from our vault to find out.

We hope you enjoy this far-reaching discussion that moves from some EMV fundamentals to the implications of having a long tail of adoption, how consumer behavior and payment capabilities have to evolve in concert, and the reaction of fraudsters when things change in large, complex environments like the card system.

And stay tuned for our next episode where we welcome EMVCo to the show to see what they are up to these days and take a peek over the horizon.

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