Faster Payments Survey – Your Immediate Reply Requested

Elizabeth McQuerry

April 18, 2016

It’s been just over two years since we first reached out and asked for your views on the question of faster payments. There have been a number of interesting developments in that period – the launch of FAST in Singapore, the announcement of the New Payments Platform in Australia, development of an instant payment scheme in Europe, a new platform in Kenya as well as multiple initiatives in the United States, among others.

We also have several different adjectives in use to describe how payments should be:  faster, real time, immediate, and instant. By any name, decreasing the end-to-end time to execute a funds transfer has become a top discussion in the industry.

We invite you to take the survey and add your voice to the evolving industry discussion. At Glenbrook, we are keenly following the issue and will host our second Insight Workshop on Faster Payments on May 12. We’ll breakdown the key concepts and look at case studies of how the concepts are being implemented around the world. And we’ll also share our views on how faster payments fits in other industry dynamics underway. The workshop will also be the first opportunity to discuss these survey results in depth.

Click here to take the survey now. Many thanks!

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