Faster Now Faster?

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a chance to talk about the prospects for faster payments in the U.S. with representatives from both The Clearing House and the Fed.  Both groups, as I’m sure you know, are actively working the space: the Fed with its ongoing Payments...

Now What? Immediate Funds Transfer in the U.S.

The Federal Reserve’s recent announcement that it would not build a new payment rail for processing faster payments created some disappointment for many who are unsatisfied with our country’s current payments system capabilities. In a welcome move, The Clearinghouse...

The Fed Gets Some Mojo?

Faster Payments May Get Here Faster than We Thought Some of you may know that I’ve been an ardent advocate for a faster-payments infrastructure in the United States. I’ve been closely following the Fed’s process towards payments system improvements. On Thursday in San...

What’s Your GPA?

As a biller or merchant, you are vitally concerned about your payments “back office”, that set of core functions involved with accepting consumer payments. Whether you are in Treasury or Technology, if you are concerned with payments, you are asking yourself, every...

Walmart, ACH and the Elusive P2P Solution

Walmart’s announcement that it would offer store-to-store money transfers has a number of interesting aspects worth pondering.  At a high level, this seems like a no brainer. People need to send money to other people and lots of folks find themselves in Walmart’s...