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December 18, 2023
On the web
Ukraine’s National Bank Initiates Process to Join Euro Sepa Payment System in 2024
Yahoo News
October 27, 2023
On the web
Migration of the SEPA Payment Schemes to the 2019 Version of ISO 20022 Postponed to Sunday 17 March 2024
European Payments Council
May 6, 2022
On the wires
Citi Launches SEPA Instant Payments in Europe
“Citi has announced the launch of Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Instant Payments in Europe, further increasing the bank’s global Instant Payments offering. The launch will provide clients with the ability to pay to and receive from 36 SEPA countries instantly. The offering allows SEPA Credit Transfers to be made within seconds, 24/7 and funds available to recipients immediately. Payments can be made to and received from SEPA Instant participating banks located anywhere within the 36 country SEPA zone. The new offering provides clients with a single point of access through Citi’s platforms, CitiConnect® for Files, CitiConnect® API and CitiDirect®, for executing Instant Payments. With standardized connectivity platforms, clients will benefit from a scalable solution that can facilitate rapid global expansion within a consistent architecture.”
April 15, 2022
On the web
Bitfinex Collaborates With OpenPayd to Enable SEPA Payments
Finextra Research
“Bitfinex, a state-of-the-art digital token trading platform, in collaboration with fiat on-ramp services provider OpenPayd, is enabling real-time Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) payments for euro-denominated deposits and withdrawals. The introduction of SEPA payments provides additional options for Bitfinex customers to deploy euros onto the platform. Through the new collaboration, customers will have the ability to pay-in and pay-out from their accounts near-instantly.”