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May 24, 2024
On the web
Nepal to Roll Out QR Code System in India by Mid-July
Kathmandu Post
"Nepal’s central bank is all set to launch the quick response (QR) code for Nepali nationals to make payments in India by the end of the current fiscal year, or July 15."
March 18, 2024
On the web
Nepal Permits Digital Payments for Third Country Transactions
"After India, Nepal’s central bank has opened the digital payment system for third countries, pending the completion of necessary arrangements by Nepal’s commercial banks for its formal enforcement."
February 6, 2024
On the wires
Nepal Clearing House Taps ACI Worldwide to Pioneer Card Payment Central Infrastructure
Business Wire
"ACI Worldwide announced that Nepal Clearing House, has chosen ACI Enterprise Payments Platform for the establishment and operation of National Payment Switch (NPS) that includes interoperability of card-based transactions and the rollout of a domestic card scheme for Nepal (NEPALPAY)."
March 8, 2021
On the web
Wallyt, NIC ASIA Bank and Fintech FirstPay Team up
Electronic Payments International
“Nepal’s NIC ASIA Bank, is partnering with Nepal’s payment system operator FirstPay and Hong Kong based digital banking solution provider Wallyt to launch digital payment services to its merchants through WeChat Pay and UnionPay QR. The partnership enables merchants associated with the bank to reach more Chinese guests by giving the opportunity to use their domestic payment method.”