Payments on Fire Episode 21, originally aired: June 15, 2015
Network tokenization – the promised land of payments. Like most promised lands, the journey there is epic and, well, hard.
One question we hear from our clients, workshop participants, and the folks in our Merchant Round Table is: Are we there yet?
We dug into our vault to understand the journey – where we started and how far we’ve come. We found Episode 21, when George Peabody and Russ Jones discussed network tokenization (aka issuer tokenization, aka EMV tokenization).
This conversation is an excellent episode to get the history, essential workings, and context for an important, if not long in the tooth, technology reshaping how payment credentials are propagated and managed in our digital era.
Yvette will be catching up with Russ and Chris Uriarte to discuss recent developments in network tokenization on an upcoming podcast – and try to decide when we’ll arrive at our destination.