Card Network Earnings Are In – It’s Now Safe to Exhale!

By Bryan Derman It seems like it’s been a month now that we at Glenbrook – and people all around the payments business – have been holding our collective breath waiting to see what level of purchase volumes would be reported by MasterCard and Visa for Q4 2008. Well,...

Financial Reporting 2.0 (my Internet dream)

At BI for Business People Tom Hudock describes my Internet dream: Here's an idea for those who can navigate Web 2.0, mashup, and BI. The SEC is requesting company filings via XBRL and making them freely available online.   What if BI was applied to...

Forecasting Anxiety

Not surprisingly, CFOs and finance executives are struggling to forecast revenue and profit in the midst of market uncertainty. CFO Magazine reports that companies are strengthening their scenario-planning, sensitivity analysis, and contingency planning capabilities...