Why Debit Cards Aren’t a Product

… and Why ‘Decoupled Debit’ Could Change All That I was fascinated to read that Bank of America is now including debit cards in its card payment business line.  Now, for anyone outside of our payments industry, this sounds absolutely reasonable.  But from inside the...

BofA: Strong Demand for ePayables and Supply Chain Solutions

Glenbrook’s Carol Coye Benson and I discussed B2B payments with Kevin Phalen of Bank of America this last week. Kevin is an Integrated Debt and Treasury Solutions Executive and joined the bank nine months ago, having previously held positions at JPMorgan Chase,...

Mobile Banking and Customer Satisfaction

Advertising Age picked Bank of America’s mobile banking efforts as one of the leaders in its Digital A-List 2009. Rita Chang writes: Underlying all of the marketer’s moves into mobile services and marketing is a key insight: Give people more control over...