The PayPal Juggernaut

A couple of weeks ago, eBay held an Analyst Day where eBay senior management shared their thinking about the future of the changing commerce landscape – and how they’re thinking about taking the “e” out of eCommerce. (Click here for the PDF of...

PayNearMe Refreshes Kombini Payments For The US

You are a bona fide payments professional if that headline makes senses to you. For everyone else, here’s an explanation. Kombini Payments Before we take a look at PayNearMe, let’s first explore how Kombini payments work. Kombini (variously spelled Konbini,...

Peeling The Blippy Onion

Where are you? What did you buy? How much did you pay? Did you get a deal? This might sound like your teenager on their phone, but it’s what a new company called Blippy hopes to answer with a new Web 2.0 service. Here’s the basic premise. What if you could...

Amazon PayPhrase – One Size Doesn’t Fit All fancies itself, with some justification, as a trialblazer in eCommerce. We spoke with Amazon recently to get a better sense of PayPhrase and how it might be used by today’s consumers. Amazon PayPhrase is a new checkout concept that is designed to...