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September 13, 2021
On the web
VTB Tests AR and Face Pay Technology
Finextra Research
“Russia’s VTB is exploring new technologies with a pair of pilots, one that lets customers view notifications in augmented reality and the other letting them pay for metro rides with their faces. The AR feature lets iOS VTB online app users navigate to their notification feed an select the item they want from the menu.They then scan their VTB card: If the card is placed horizontally, information on available funds and the number of accumulated bonuses will be displayed, if the card is place vertically, then the notification feed will be displayed.”
August 2, 2019
On the wires
Goop, Mastercard, and Next Retail Concepts Upgrade Online Shopping in Canada
Mastercard Newsroom
“For the first time, goop will extend the unique brand experience of the physical goop MRKT Toronto pop-up to digital shoppers in the Canadian market. Powered by Mastercard and Next Retail Concepts and guided by goop, the innovative digital environment will allow shoppers to browse and buy just as if they were in the physical store. Together with partners like Mastercard and Next Retail Concepts, goop is evolving the e-commerce experience to bring the physical store to life in an immersive, digital environment.”
December 3, 2018
On the wires
Mastercard and Next Retail Concepts Upgrade Online Shopping Just in Time for the Holidays
“The days of mindlessly scrolling through pages of products while shopping online are over thanks to a new ecommerce experience from Mastercard and Next Retail Concepts. The innovative digital environment lets shoppers browse and buy just like they are in a physical store—across any browser.”