Merchant Payments Roundtable
The Merchant Payments Roundtable (MPR™) is an invitation-only group for senior payments managers from some of the largest multi-channel merchants in the U.S. Created and led by Glenbrook, the group is quite unique in that, unlike other industry groups, it is funded entirely by the merchants without the outside influence or participation of payments providers.
Current Participants
Biannual Meetings
The group comes together twice a year to discuss new products, technologies, and regulatory developments, as well as share provider experiences and industry best practices. Glenbrook’s role at each meeting is to set the agenda, lead the discussion, and provide in-depth analysis of the latest industry developments.
Questions about the Merchant Payments Roundtable?
Glenbrook’s Russ Jones is the program manager.
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Glenbrook can help your organization achieve short-term goals while building a path to the future. Put our experience to work for you.
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1825 S Grant Street, Suite #900
San Mateo, CA
94402, USA
How We Help
Payments Consulting
Topical Expertise
Payments Boot Camp®
Payments on Fire®
B2B Payments
Cross-border Payments
Digital Currencies
Financial Inclusion
Lending & Payments
Merchant Payments Acceptance
Open Banking
Payments in Emerging Markets
Payments Risk Management
Policy & Regulation
Real-time Payments
Payments Facilitation
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