by Yvette Bohanan | Dec 21, 2022
We are saying a fond farewell to 2022 as we wrap up recording the last Payments on Fire episodes of the year that will be released throughout January. Looking forward to 2023, we realized that we are approaching Episode 200 – raising the question of what...
by George Peabody | Oct 19, 2022
Join Wordline’s Michael Steinbach and Glenbrook’s Elizabeth McQuerry and George Peabody to hear the story of SEPA’s creation, the Single Euro Payments Area. You’ll also learn about Worldline, Europe’s largest processor. It’s an amazing story. If you are...
by Yvette Bohanan | Apr 29, 2022
In this episode of Payments on Fire®, George Peabody and Yvette Bohanan are talking payment trends and best practices with Fiserv’s Casey Klyszeiko, Head of Carat and eCommerce at Fiserv. Tune in to hear Casey, a Payments Boot Camp alum himself, discuss the consumer...
by George Peabody | Mar 18, 2022
On this episode of Payments on Fire®, George Peabody and Yvette Bohanan welcome back Steve Ledford from The Clearing House to share the innovations about Real Time Payments (RTP) on this 5th Annual RTP Network Update. Steve speaks about the updates on RTP payments...
by George Peabody | Oct 21, 2021
We all know that there are risks in payments. When the controls we put in place to manage risk fail, fraud is the result. Fraud, or fraud prevention, is now an industry using many of the same tools to defeat our controls that we use to defend our payments systems. A...