by Yvette Bohanan | Sep 20, 2023
Last week, we hosted the first Payments on Fire Live Stream event on the future of fast payments in the U.S. This episode highlights the panel conversation with Bernadette Ksepka, Federal Reserve Financial Services, Elena Whisler, The Clearing House, and Bryan Derman,...
by Yvette Bohanan | Aug 30, 2023
Globally, cross-border payments represent $156 trillion annually – roughly 25% of global GDP – and are projected to reach nearly $250 trillion by 2027. From a payments industry perspective, these transactions account for approximately $40 billion of $2.1...
by Yvette Bohanan | Aug 16, 2023
Each month, Justin Pituch recaps the news that got Glenbrook talking in his Payments Post. In a “double feature” for June and July, Justin covered two major themes: 1) organizations responding to greenfield opportunity in fast payments and 2) organizations...
by Yvette Bohanan | Aug 9, 2023
Payments on Fire Episode 10, originally aired: October 27, 2014 What does a new carpet in a bank branch have in common with a new payment system? We find ourselves pondering many questions since the FedNow® launch, the third fast payments network introduced in the US....
by Yvette Bohanan | Apr 26, 2023
Wrapping up our three part series exploring Brazil’s Pix, Carlos Brandt, Head of Management and Operations for Pix at the Central Bank of Brazil, sits down with Yvette Bohanan and Elizabeth McQuerry to discuss some of the keys to Pix success and what the future looks...