What’s your Financial Style?

Erin McCune

September 15, 2006

Are you a Steve Jobs or a Sam Walton?


CFO Magazine highlights a recent book on the connection between how executives view money and how they make mangement decisions. E. Ted Prince, author of The 3 Financial Styles of Very Successful Leaders observes that

… managers possess innate financial traits that make up their "financial
signature." Some people, like Wal-Mart's Sam Walton, are natural
discounters — they're thrifty and focus on low-value, low-margin
opportunities. Others, like Apple's Steve Jobs, have venture-capitalist
tendencies — they look for high-risk, high-reward opportunities
requiring lots of capital.

Understanding your financial signature tells you what your natural
response will be when confronted with situations involving risk/reward
and cost/benefit, he says.

What's Your Financial Style?
By Joseph McCafferty
CFO Magazine
September 14, 2006

The 3 Financial Styles of Very Successful Leaders
E. Ted Prince
McGraw-Hill, 2005

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