Smart thinking for smart payments professionals

Payments On Fire is the industry’s leading resource center for payments professionals. Here, you’ll find the resources and thought leadership that only Glenbrook’s experienced team can provide. Curated news stories, insightful opinion papers, provocative podcasts, and more – it’s all the thinking you need to stay competitive in a dynamic payments world.

January 8, 2014

May 1, 2013

May 11, 2011

October 5, 2010

August 16, 2010

Card Payments Fraud and the Fed

One of the more interesting elements added late in the game to the Durbin amendment was the language added around card-related fraud costs. This has led to much speculation about what this might mean for various anti-fraud technologies (e.g., EMV in the US, a mandate for 3-D Secure for online ecommerce, etc.) as the Fed […]

July 25, 2010

M-banking in the US and UK and the Necessity of a Consumer Focus

The potential of mobile banking, for the realization of ‘anywhere, at anytime’ transactions, is well documented. However, interest is starting to develop regarding a more consumer-orientated vision of what mobile banking and payments can offer. Glenbrook’s Jacqueline Chilton recently published an article in E-Finance & Payments Law & Policy examining the ways mobile banking can […]

February 23, 2010

September 12, 2009

Adapting to a new future: Impact of The Credit CARD Act of 2009 on Financial Institutions [E&Y]

Consistent with the current government focus on enhancing consumer protection, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (Credit CARD Act of 2009) brings sea changes to the credit card industry. Forward-looking financial services institutions are viewing these shifts not as a reactive compliance and operational exercise, but more broadly in anticipation of […]

September 10, 2009

Mobile Financial Services for the Next Billion Customers: A Panel Discussion

Last Thursday evening I attended a superb mobile payment panel organized by mPayConnect and co-hosted by the Wharton and Harvard MBA alumni associations at the Wharton West campus in San Francisco. The evening’s topic was From Afghanistan to Silicon Valley: Mobile Financial Services for the Next Billion Customers. Menekse Gencer  of mPayConnect moderated and brought […]

August 19, 2009

July 13, 2009

The Most Promising Financial Software (Forrester TechRadar) summarizes the most recent Forrester “TechRadar” report on financial software. Not surprisingly, economic woes are driving businesses’ need for accounts receivable and collections software to help companies monitor their customers payment behavior. Budgeting and forecasting solutions as well as expense reporting tools are also in high demand. Accounts Payable solutions are up and coming […]

April 28, 2009

January 4, 2009

November 27, 2008

October 7, 2008

Fed to Purchase Commercial Paper

Today's big news (at least so far)… efforts turn to addressing the shortage of short term liquidity. [Read the Fed Announcement] via Bloomberg:      Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve will create a special fund to purchase U.S. commercial paper after the credit crunch threatened to cut off a key source of funding […]

Recent Payment Views

Payments Post #13: At the Intersection of Tech, Regs, and Business Partnership

Payments Post #13: At the Intersection of Tech, Regs, and Business Partnership

This month, Cici Northup joins regular contributor Justin Pituch to recap positive news in the form of fast payments growth, new fraud mitigation strategies, and evolution in cross-border transfers. All reflect, to varying degrees, the unique dynamic in the payments industry created by the intersection of technology, regulation, and new business partnerships.

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Visa Payments Forum Deep Dive: Visa Flexible Credential

Payments Orchestration: What Comes Next?

Orchestration providers have certainly come a long way, and can enable powerful capabilities and benefits for the merchants that employ them. This post explores some of the possibilities Glenbrook has been thinking about for where Orchestration (and even orchestration) can go next.

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Payments Post #13: At the Intersection of Tech, Regs, and Business Partnership

Payments Post #12: Lessons from Change

In this month’s Payments Post, we want to draw your attention to several recent fraud incidents that underscore the criticality of effective risk management to your business and the safety and soundness of the payments industry.

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